Saturday, August 25, 2007






Thursday, June 14, 2007

Preparing our Hearts

I want to invite you all to "post" anything here you'd like to share with the rest of us, aka. encouragement, thoughts, verses, prayers, etc... My hope & prayer is that this Blog might serve to allow us to record the story of the awesome Journey the Lord has in store ahead of us, as we set out together this summer to serve Young Life's Mission on Morning Star Ranch in Zimbabwe. Please "post" anything here you'd like to share, aka. Verses, Encouragement, Prayers, Thoughts, etc... Our Trip will leave out of Atlanta on July 24, & return on August 8. The bottom line here is simple... this is God's movement, not ours... & He's going to use this Trip is going to change each of our lives forever...


"If you CLING to your life, you will LOSE it, but if you GIVE it up for me, you will FIND it." MATTHEW 10:39

"But the one thing we can all agree, all faiths, all ideologies, is that GOD is with the Vulnerable and the Poor. GOD is in the Slums, in the cardboard boxes where the Poor play house... GOD is in the silence of a mother who has infected her child with a virus that will end both their lives... God is in the Cries heard under the rubble of War... GOD is in the Debris of wasted opportunity and lives, and GOD is With Us... If We Are With Them." - Bono

"People ask me, "Doesn't it Paralyze you to walk so closely & intimately with Suffering?" "No," I tell them. "If I've learned anything from my time in AFRICA, it's that though the suffering is overwhelming, so too is the HOPE." - Jena Lee

"He is no fool who GIVES up what he cannot keep, to GAIN what he cannot lose." - Jim Elliott